TranSYS Online Training School November 2020
Launch of CAPITALISE, a European collaborative research project exploiting biodiversity to boost the efficiency of photosynthesis for better crops.
The EC have provided advice on the impact of Covid-19 on H2020 projects. Below is a summary from the advice. Website links are listed at the end of this document. For further information contact Ritchie Head: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rare diseases are a priority area of research funding for the European Union.
EARMA represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators (RM&As) in Europe.
Ceratium help develop a training network on big data and precision medicine.
Ceratium representing the VISION-DMD project at the Cambridge RARE summit 2019.
The Ceratium valorisation team organised the exhibition stand at the European Paediatric Neurology Society congress.
We bring independent thinking and insight to help clients develop and refine excellent research proposals and business plans...
FIND OUT MOREWe have been successful in multiple EU and UK funding applications and can provide help and advice about the suitability of your research plans for National and European...
FIND OUT MORESuccessful projects require a focused approach to project management. Our experienced professionals can provide management support to...
FIND OUT MOREScientific advances influence almost all parts of society, so scientists and the research community have a duty to communicate research results...
FIND OUT MOREDemonstrating the impact of research is now critical to modern projects and forms a key criterion of proposal evaluation...
FIND OUT MOREOur aim is to help you understand grant funding, learn the key elements of a winning proposal and how to manage a collaborative project...